I began organizing our research proposal for Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium and immune-modulatory polysaccharides during the fall of 1982, at the time also started evaluating the potential of mushroom beta glucan. Time moves on quickly, and 24 years have passed by in just a blink of an eye, but it has been no less than a very productive period.
Throughout these years, I have focused much of my research effort in exploring the field of mushroom immunomodulators and continuously sought out innovative developments. Currently, I have finally accumulated substantial experience and results from years of research and experimentation. After decades of a career in research, I have not forgotten my original purpose of serving the society in the field of scientific research.
I believe that strong scientific research evidence plays the crucial role as the backbone for the establishment of any new ingredients in order to be convincing. Only after presenting the experimental data of the mushroom products to the public can we further move along their development.
The vastness of scientific realm amplifies our smallness, as our slight advancements have taken us more than two decades of time to achieve. There still is much work ahead of us yet to be completed. I hope that through many years of research and development, we can help the public understand more in depth the contributions of mushroom-related substances to human and animal health. Most importantly, we hope that further research will explain the efficacy of mushroom products in enhancing human body’s defense mechanism, but also making it clear that it is by no means a panacea. They are natural substances supported by ample scientific evidence to strengthen health, and furthermore, to serve as an effective supplement improving the quality of life, given proper manufacturing and appropriate use.
Dr. S.N. Chen, Ph.D.
Chief Scientific Officer
January 9, 2007 in Lab.